First post... again

This is at least the third first post I can remember making on a blog. This makes it blog number 3 in my time. None of them have been terribly successful. The first was an exercise in futility, a half hearted attempt at a blog. The second was a more successful venture as far as achievement of intent is concerned. It lasted a year and documented our road to marriage. Speaking of us I suppose, as if I'm talking to some anonymous proletariat, an introduction is in order. I'm Daniel and my wife is Jordan. We're both 24 at the time of this writing.

We just got married on May 24th. Had dated for some 6 years previous to that and originally met during our freshman year of high school [INSERT PAUSE WHILE CROWD GOES 'AWWWW']. Jordan graduated at the beginning of May and is now officially in her second week as a pharmacist. I've been working for some time longer, having graduated back in March 2007. I've worked as a Project Manager and just regular Manager for tech support and website services.

I intend for this blog to chronicle the goings on of our regular lives. Containing what will hopefully be our musings, triumphs, and failures as we proceed along our merry little lives.

- daniel