Homeless and Jobless, Travelling the World

In the last few years, I've been working towards the typical goals. 2007 - graduate college

2008 - promotion at work

2009 - get married, buy a house

2010 - another promotion

2011 - paid off school loans

I've gone to Ikea countless times, had some fun vacations, started interesting projects at work, taken cooking classes, become a regular at the local Thai restaurant, started a retirement account, paid my mortgage, bought more Apple products than I care to admit, mourned at funerals, been scammed on eBay, occasionally fought with my wife, thought about moving to Seattle, survived snow storms... the list goes on. By all estimations I've been very lucky and have been reasonably successful, largely due to a number of amazing people that have helped me along the way.

And I'm throwing it away.

Jordan and I have spent the last 6-8 months undoing much of the progress we've made in the last few years. We've sold most of our belongings and our home. We've been living off 30% of our income. We've saved a lot of money. All so that for the next 12-24 months we can travel the world.

In future posts we'll explain how we came to this decision. For now, suffice it to say we're young and want to see all the world has to offer before we settle down and start a family.

This post is our announcement, watch out world, we're coming to see you.

In seven days we close on our house, we'll be homeless. Two days ago, I gave notice at work, on May 14th, I'll be jobless.

It's time for an adventure.